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Source: cityplusfm.my 寻找某个洗发水促销地点,拍张照片,与促销员闲聊数句,然后回答几道简单问题,就能赚取25令吉;或者寻找某条街的杂货店,检查店里有没有某个品牌的啤酒,标记GPS位置,对着店面、冰箱、啤酒拍张照片,回答关于啤酒的几个问题,又能赚取15令吉……这些通过手机完成的简单任务,你就能用零碎时间赚取外快。
Source: says.com Do you need more money? Who doesn’t, right? 🙁 After pondering my own sad financial predicament over lunch at the mamak, I decided to go online to look for ways to make (and save) money.
Source: vulcanpost.com You know all of those websites and platforms that ask you to complete a survey to get rewards? This is basically what GigaGigs is. They call them micro-tasks, but you’re ultimately filling up surveys in your free time. Most of the surveys are quite short, and can be completed pretty fast. The interface is also simple… Read more »
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